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Kod SMS:
Aby otrzymać kod zakupowy wyślij SMS o treści AP.BASIC2 na numer 92058. Koszt zakupu przez SMS wynosi 24,60 zł z VAT.
Usługa dostępna w sieciach T-Mobile, Plus, Orange, Play. Usługi Premium SMS obsługuje Centrum Technologii Mobilnych MOBILTEK S.A.
Regulamin oraz Reklamacje.
Właścicielem usługi jest Sport-Premium Sp. z o.o., Warszawa, ul. Denarowa 25


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The content, development of materials and price of the NET-MAX Package according to the offer presented on under"Advertising and Announcement Packages". The Contractor shall develop a graphical design of the advertisement based on the materials that the Client sends within 5 days from the date of this purchase order. The Client will receive a draft advertisement for her or his review.The present order has been concluded taking into account the General Terms and Conditions of Sale of Sport-Premium LTD attached below. The Client verifies the accuracy of all data. The Contractor shall issue an invoice including the applicable VAT only after developing the advertisement design and placeing it on All verbal agreements require written form to be valid. Person submitting the present order declares that he or she is duly authorized to make such act which, after itsapproval by Sport-Premium LTD becomes a biding contract. The annual expositionis calculated from the date of advertisement placement on